Oceans 7
Have you heard yet? Go check out the Oceans 7 on Global14.com. It features JD aka The General, Usher aka The Light, Brian Michael Cox aka Leon Philps the texas ranger, Johnta Austin aka Johnny Sinatra, Tyrone aka Intynational, Nelly aka Moe Green, and Trey Songz aka Songz00711. You can download the mixtape, and see them in the studio on youtube by searching Living The Life.
Markus Klinko & Indrani

To see some of their work vist www.mkibook.com
Autobots Unite For Christmas...

James Johnson and Charlamagne The God present the Autobots Unite For Christmas Toy Drive. I'm currently looking for a location to do this event, so I will keep you guys posted on where it'll be. I'm asking for toy donations, so if you would like to donate give me a call, or you can call up the 100.3 The Beat radio station during Charlamagnes morning show between 6am-10am
You asked....
What you think of that Designer Ad?? Shout out to Dezines By
. It was a great working with you and your models. I shot
this photo in Philadelphia, for a upcoming magazine. I would say
that my style would be simply magazine-ish so I've heard lol. I laughed when I first heard that but it is true. I've always been
fascinated by the Armani Exchange Ads, Gucci, Louis Vuitton. Even way before I started photography, when my mother would
get magazines in the mail, I'd go through just to see what the ads looked like, and after getting into photography I knew the direction I aimed at going. With this photo for instance, We stopped the driver, who was parked on the phone and asked if we could borrow the cab. He didn't care, so basically I just had the model climbing out, in a more high fashion way then how a person would regularly step out of a vehicle. If you noticed the right arm on the top of the door, the left arm on the handle, and the left leg out, you would think she climbed over someone to make it out of the vehice. ALL of this was planned to give the image more of a better look. A lot of people don't even notice that she has a ring pop on her finger lol. I must admit, I didnt notice it either until the editing stages, but it was fine I guess.
This photo to the left was done to give a different scene. I wanted to give the viewer the impression that the vehicle was moving. This came when the the one in the rear pulled up behind ours. As it parked and I looked to see if they were going to cut our time short, I noticed the green light in the back and thats what gave me the impression that it would look like its moving. Just so happened that the man running in the background made the photo better, because it looks like hes waiting for a break in traffic to cross the street. You never know what will get you that shot, but shooting in a busy surrounding, everything is used as an advantage. I just wanted to share this with everybody because since I've posted these I've been asked about them, so theres some behind the scenes work.
To see the designer, go to http://www.dbdme.com/

this photo in Philadelphia, for a upcoming magazine. I would say
that my style would be simply magazine-ish so I've heard lol. I laughed when I first heard that but it is true. I've always been
fascinated by the Armani Exchange Ads, Gucci, Louis Vuitton. Even way before I started photography, when my mother would
get magazines in the mail, I'd go through just to see what the ads looked like, and after getting into photography I knew the direction I aimed at going. With this photo for instance, We stopped the driver, who was parked on the phone and asked if we could borrow the cab. He didn't care, so basically I just had the model climbing out, in a more high fashion way then how a person would regularly step out of a vehicle. If you noticed the right arm on the top of the door, the left arm on the handle, and the left leg out, you would think she climbed over someone to make it out of the vehice. ALL of this was planned to give the image more of a better look. A lot of people don't even notice that she has a ring pop on her finger lol. I must admit, I didnt notice it either until the editing stages, but it was fine I guess.

To see the designer, go to http://www.dbdme.com/
Trip down memory lane...
Whats up everybody? I just walked back in the door from running a few erands, and on the way back I turn down a street that bought me MANY memories. I keep it real with you guys, whether it be professional or personal...well, on some levels of personal lol. Back to the story, I'm coming down the street of a girl who was my first real girfriend. I'm talking about back in high school, and still to date is my longest relationship ever. I used to spend a lot of time on that street, but this time was different. Driving down it made me remember all of the good times, the bad times, just everything. It was just a weird feeling to actually see the house, because it took me back to the old me. The me that produced music on the FL Studio program, but I bought a Alesis Drum Machine, and thought I was on the road to building REAL equipment lol. I remember carrying the machine in my backpack all the time, even though I'd have nothing to hook it up to. You know when your young, and you buy something valuable to you that you keep it on you so your positive nothing happens to it? lol. yeah, it was like that. Either way, It just made me realize that I never did have another girlfriend like her. Unfortunantly, I ruined the relationship thinking she was involved with someone else, and I so to say, left the one I loved for the one I liked. She hated me for years, but a few months ago we got back in contact on facebook and everything that should have been said did. Just a trip down memory lane. I sometimes wonder how things would have been if everything stayed good. What can I say? I have to live with regrets right?
Til next time...
Til next time...
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